I've merged inspiration and writings/observances on all things that occur during the live long day on my other blog - thelivelongday. Please direct yourself there!
I was browsing design society/organization/association websites for an assignment in my career planning class when I came across UCDA - the University & College Design Association. I have to post their logo here because I absolutely love it, and I don't want to forget.
How lucky that U C D & A can all be visually understood using the same shape/form!
i like how she's wearing hers, wrapped around her head. and she doesn't even look like a grandma with a rain bonnet on or like she's going on a drive in a convertible!
A new retail experiment in Hollywood, CA, Space 15 Twenty creates an opportunity for Urban Outfitters to collaborate with creative brands we find inspiring and interesting.
A courtyard leads from each store to an outdoor performance space and adjoining gallery. Both of which encourage designers and artists to become part of a curated environment. Working with neighboring music, film and art establishments, both courtyard and adjoining gallery will present a rotating cast of local musicians and artists.
The Urban Outfitters store will feature one-off installations by a new designer every few months. Alongside the 11,000 square foot Urban Outfitters store, Space 15 Twenty will host a selection of vendors. The revolving brands utilizing these spaces will reflect and compliment Urban Outfitters and present our customers with an overarching view of people and brands which are excited to be aligned with.