Wednesday, November 21, 2007


a swatch of adorable wrapping paper from kate's paperie caught my eye in a 2006 issue of Vogue & i found lots more on their website!!

oh! i bought these blank random/funny/vintage/"assorted ephemera" cards yesterday with a gift card at barnes & noble.

interior space&furnishings inspiration

baby boots!!

quilts & bed linens

furniture made from organic materials

vintage & antique furniture

their ad, which i found in an issue of Vogue Living, includes words like "grounded," "infinite possibilities," and says, "good wood from responsibly managed forests or reclaimed and salvaged sources protecting old growth and endangered forest species." the slogan: "SUSTAINABLE; to keep in existence, reinvent, transform & consume consciously" & other words: organic, fair & square, beautiful, handmade, love, pure, consciously made, local economy, community made, cruelty free, indigenous, recycled. the ad also quotes ghandi's "be the change you want to see in the world" quote.
i'm intrigued. too bad there are only stores in NY, NJ, FLA and the UK.